This lux spiced carrot cake with its rich iced middle is pure indulgence. Enjoy!
Cake Topping
Lemon Icing
Preheat oven to 160°C fan forced.
Line a 13" - 9" inches baking tray with baking paper.
In a large bowl add the first 12 ingredients and gently give them a mix with a large spoon.
In another bowl whisk together eggs, cooled Nuttelex & vanilla, then add to the primary bowl.
Gently fold everything to evenly incorporate.
Pour mixture into a prepared loaf pan.
Bake for 30-40 until a skewer comes out clean. Then let cake cool completely before the next steps.
Lemon Icing
Put all the ingredients in a large bowl and user a mixer to beat until light, fluffy & the sugar has dissolved somewhat into the Nuttelex.
When the cake has cooled completely cut in half lengthwise sandwich together with icing then cover with the rest of icing and top with chopped pecans, sunflower seed, pepitas and rose petals.