Buttery Lemon Grilled Artichokes

June 14, 2024

Ahhhhhhhh artichokes. If you love them, or have been unsure how to properly prepare them, this recipe is for you.


3 large fresh artichokes

2 tbsp plant-based Nuttelex

3 lemons quartered

3 garlic cloves crushed

2 bay leaves

1 handful fresh thyme sprigs


2 tbsp plant-based Nuttelex

1 large lemon juiced

2 tbsp olive oil

1/2 tsp garlic powder

salt and pepper to taste


chopping board

sharp, serrated knife

kitchen scissors

large saucepan with lid

griller pan or BBQ


1Start by trimming artichokes with a serrated knife cutting stem end flush to the base then cut-away a 1/3 of the top of artichoke. Trim the sharp barbs from the leaf tips with scissors.

2Trim the sharp barbs from the leaf tips with scissors.

3Squeeze with lemon juice & rub with lemon quarters (set one lemon aside for the grilling) over each artichoke as you go. This will help tenderise the artichokes, add flavour and minimise browning.

4Next add cleaned artichokes to a saucepan along with the aromatics, crushed garlic cloves, thyme sprigs, bay leaves, and the lemon pieces from the prep process above.

5Dab each artichokes with approx. 1/2 teaspoon of Nuttelex then add 1 cup of water.

6Pop on the saucepan lid and cook on stovetop on medium/ high heat bringing the pan to where steam is coming from under the lid.

7Next, turn heat down to medium/low and continue steaming the artichokes until tender. The amount of time will depend on their size, between 30 -40 minutes. Occasionally check saucepan (quickly) to be sure the water doesn't run dry.

8Artichokes are ready when you can easily pull away a leaf from the centre. If it resists give them a few more minutes until leaf comes out easily. Then remove from pan and allow to cool so you can pick them up with your hands- they should still be warm to the touch.

9Next, slice each artichoke from top to bottom with a sharp knife and scoop out the fury choke centre with a teaspoon.


1Heat up a clean griller pan, grilling tray or BBQ. Brush the cut side of each artichoke with remaining lemon quarters and drizzle with olive oil and grill for a couple of minutes until golden and grill marks appear.


1In a small bowl place all the ingredients melt in the microwave for 30 seconds, then and season with salt & pepper, whisk well and serve as a dipping sauce.
