Spooky Witches Fingers Biscuits

October 24, 2019

Ahhh Witches fingers, a little bit gross, but always a winner at Halloween. If you  want to go extra ghoulish, add a few drops of green, yellow or orange food colouring into your mixture with the baking powder. If you want a nut free version, skip the almonds and paint the nails on with ghastly coloured blue food dye once baked and cooled - but still a little warm. #Vegan #HalloweenBaking


1 cup plant based Nuttelex

1 cup icing sugar

1 egg replacer for 1 egg

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 2/3 cups flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

3/4 cup sliced/ flaked almonds

1 tube of red (vegan) decorating gel or 1/2 cup strawberry jam


1In a mixing bowl, beat Nuttelex and sugar together until fluffy. Add the egg or egg replacer and vanilla extract and then gradually beat in the flour, baking powder and salt.

2Knead into a smooth dough, wrap in cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

3Preheat oven to 170°C.

4Take one quarter of the dough out of the fridge. Leave rest in fridge. Break off one tea spoonful and begin rolling out the fingers. You can use baking paper to roll the dough into long fingers. Make your fingers thin – about the size of pinky as they will plump up and sink down as they bake. Squeeze the rolled fingers gently at the tip and middle, make creases with a butter or pate knife to create knuckle creases. Then press an almond slice into each finger tip to create the fingernail detail.

5Place cookies on a lightly greased baking sheet leaving about a centimetre between each finger and bake for 25 minutes (or until lightly golden brown).

6Let cool for 5-10 minutes.

7Gently remove the almonds and squeeze red decorating gel (or use strawberry jam as a substitute) onto the nail-bed.Press the almonds back in place making sure the gel oozes out on the edge of the nail bed.

8Remove cookies from baking sheets and let them cool completely on wire racks. Serve standing in a tin or bucket. Store in an air tight container.
